Gallery And Museum Installations

“Like Canaletto or Bernardo Bellotto, Kim Schoenstadt is a view painter. Her work records complex urban landscapes….
Unlike her 18th century forebears, however, who lived in a world where visual perception was being elastically stretched by telescopes, microscopes and other ground-glass lenses meant to aid the limited range of a human eye, the Los Angeles artist surveys very different terrain. Her knotty work charts the intersection between the bricks and mortar of actual city streets and the effervescent elements of virtual reality. That's where we live now. …And there's much more. The real merges with the unreal and the hyper-real.” -Excerpt from Christopher Knight review

Each of these project begins with a conversation about the city where the work will be exhibited. Often the curator or gallery will ask locals for their favorite local buildings and these begin my research into the city. The sculptures which weave throughout are also local sculptures which may or may not still be installed in that city. What I love about wall drawings is they are always scaled to the wall so while one installation might be 30 feet wide the next installation of the same drawing could be 10 feet wide. When the wall drawings are not on exhibit they exist as a packet of instructions and paint chips so storage is not an issue, conservation is not a problem.


LA Times

Dirty Laundry Magazine

Argot & Ochre

Art: 21 Blog

Mojica, Jason, “Mapping the Self” Time Out, Chicago, Il,

Webb, Michael, Nogai, Juergen. “Venice Ca. Art + Architecture in a Maverick community” Abrams, NY.

Also see individual pages for more press- click on images to take you to them.