Enter Slowly Series & No Laughing Series
Kim Schoenstadt: Enter Slowly, The Legacy of an Idea, ArtCenter Mullin Gallery, Pasadena, CA., Sept. 23, 2021- Feb. 27, 2022 Exhibition Details Deck
Installation Images
In 1937 a naked Le Corbusier, in a confrontational act, infamously painted eight brightly colored murals over the walls of Eileen Gray’s groundbreaking E-1027 house, the modernist villa the architect designed on the French Riviera. The intrusion into her design infuriated Gray, who considered the murals outright vandalism.
In 2019, artist Kim Schoenstadt took this violation as a point of inspiration for her large-scale, multimedia exhibition at ArtCenter Mullin Gallery. Enter Slowly, The Legacy of an Idea is an artistic exploration into the sordid stories, rewritten histories, and exploits that befell Eileen Gray’s career and her iconic E-1027 house in the south of France. The exhibition provides a means to not only explore the legacy of Gray and E-1027, but also to examine issues underrepresented artists face when breaking into the field in which they are not typically represented.
This body of work continues in 2023 with “NO LAUGHING SERIES”. A continuation of the expiration of Eileen Grays life and legacy.
Exhibition Installation Images
ArtCenter Exhibition Press