Matrix 160 Exhibition

“…Odd Lots Series: Hartford/Fiction,…(is)a new site-specific wall drawing that intertwines real and fictional architecture in a fantastical yet familiar urban landscape…Schoenstadt’s wall drawing was inspired by a site visit to Hartford last fall. She explored the city, photographed numerous buildings, and conducted research about Hartford’s history and industry.  The drawing will take the important and unusual architecture of Hartford as its starting point and fuse those recognizable local landmarks in combination with fictional counterparts from pop-cultural sources such as Alfred Hitchcock’s “North by Northwest,” “The Jetsons,” and “The Incredibles,” to explore the relationship between fantasy and reality. 

“Whether fictional or real—seen in two dimensions on the big screen or in three dimensions in downtown Hartford—both types of architecture begin with a drawing,” said Patricia Hickson, the museum’s Emily Hall Tremaine Curator of Contemporary Art.  “Schoenstadt levels the playing field by fusing the two familiar architectures together equally, asking the visitor to question the notion of what is real.”-Excerpt from Press Release

Press Release

Project Documentation


LA Times Review

Catlin, Roger, “A Melding of Architectural Lines in Matrix Gallery at Atheneum”, Hartford Courant, Hartford, CT. (Oct. 7, 2010).

Good, Brittany, “Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art”,  Antiques & Fine Art, New York, NY., (Autumn/ Winter, 2010).

Taft, Catherine, “Catherine Taft’s Top 10 Shows In Los Angeles”, Saatchi Online Magazine. (Dec. 1, 2010).