Carved Wall Drawings
This series of wall drawings began in 2001. Each piece is created by carving lines directly into a wall that has been coated with graphite or chalkboard paint. The resulting image consists of a recessed white plaster line set within a darkened surface—I find this practice interesting because it is simultaneously a drawing, an activity, a relief sculpture, and as some people have said- it is also a rather large mono-print. Images depicted within this project have consistently played with interlocking notions of landscape and architecture (or growth vs. construction.)
Richardson, Margaret, “ Surface Charge”, Art Papers, London, England, 2004, (March/April.)
Lyon, Christopher, “Constructing a Biennial”, Art in America, New York, NY. (April, 2005): 54-59.
Humes, Pete, “The Art’s On The Wall”, Richmond Times-Dispach, Richmond, VA. Section D cover story p.D1 & D4.
Gavin, Joseph, “Surface’ Changes Everything”, The Commonwealth Times, Richmond, VA., (Sept. 26, 2005).
Schedlmayer, Nina. “Lodz Biennale”, Camera Austria, Graz, Austria. #88/2004.p.84-45.
Frank, Peter. “Pick of the week”, L.A. Weekly, Los Angeles, CA (April 12-18, 2002)